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The compensable loss at year-end 2015 amounted to € 11,941,000 (2014: € 18,012,000). This deferred tax asset can be taken in the following three years up to and including 2018.
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The cash and cash equivalents are freely available to the company.
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Before appropriation of result
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The movements in the short-term debt with regard to pension premiums were as follows:
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Bouwinvest has management agreements with the funds for an indefinite period with a two-year notice period, as well as a mandate with bpfBOUW regarding the International and Heritage portfolios for an indefinite period with a five year notice period.
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All amounts in € thousands unless otherwise stated
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Bouwinvest received a management fee of in total € 30.5 million (2014: € 27.9 million), of which € 29.7 million (2014: € 25.7 million) is based on the assets under management and € 0.8 million (2014: 2.2 million) is based on other mandates and
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