Within the different activities of Bouwinvest a wide array of risks is continuously monitored by the Board of Directors. To support this monitoring and to optimise risk transparency, quarterly risk reports are produced by the Risk Controller.
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Before appropriation of result, all amounts in € thousands
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All amounts in € thousands
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Added to My report
All amounts in € thousands
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All amounts in € thousands unless otherwise stated
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Bouwinvest Real Estate Investment Management B.V. (‘Bouwinvest’ or ‘the company’), domiciled in Amsterdam, is a private company with limited liability incorporated on 9 October 2002.
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All amounts in € thousands
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In 2015, software and licences has been reclassified from the tangible assets to intangible assets.
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In 2015, software and licences has been reclassified from the tangible assets to intangible assets.
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Added to My report
The movement in the participations recognised in the financial fixed assets that do not belong to the group are as follows:
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