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Corporate Social Responsibility


Benchmarking based on the Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB) enables the Retail Fund to obtain more insight into the opportunities to improve the sustainability performance measured at fund level. In 2015, the Fund participated for the fourth time in the GRESB assessment and improved its scores, increasing its overall score by over 6% (after a 67% improvement in 2014) and retained its position as second in its peer group.

‘Green star’

Following the successful implementation of the action plan to enhance overall GRESB performance, in 2014 the Retail Fund emerged with a ‘Green Star’ classification, the highest category in the GRESB scoring system, no less than two years ahead of schedule. In 2015, the Fund was awarded Green Star status for the second year in a row.

Smart meters, smart business

To monitor energy consumption closely the Fund continued to expand active monitoring in 2015 by installing smart metering systems. All common areas and connections for which the Fund is responsible for purchasing energy are now covered. It also started a pilot of web-based energy monitoring and management for two assets. In addition, the Fund plans to install smart meters at all new developments, acquisitions and at individual tenant level. Once again, this will require close cooperation with tenants, as they have to agree to install the smart meters. 

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