The Bouwinvest Real Estate Investment Management (‘Bouwinvest’) Supervisor Board has the following four members: C.J. Beuving (Chairman), J.H.W.R. van der Vlist, R.Th. Wijmenga and C.G. Gehrels. C.G. Gehrels joined the Supervisory Board on 2 July 2015. After serving the maximum term of two periods of four years, M. Sint stepped down as vice-chairman of the Supervisory Board on 1 May 2015.
All members of the Supervisory Board are independent in accordance with the criteria laid down in the Supervisory Board charter.

C.J. (Kees) Beuving
(1951, Dutch)
Mr. Beuving joined the Supervisory Board of Bouwinvest in August 2014 and was appointed Chairman in December 2014. Mr. Beuving has a long history in the banking industry. Until 2012, he was Chairman of the Board of Directors at Friesland Bank and, before that, held a number of functions within the Board of Directors of Fortis Bank, including Chairman from 2002 to 2006. In the period 2006 to 2010, Mr. Beuving held various executive positions and supervisory directorships, including the Fortis Nederland pension fund and Currence B.V. He is currently a member of the Supervisory Board of Bank Nederlandse Gemeenten (BNG) and Chairman of the board of Stichting VSB Vermogensfonds. He is also Chairman of the Supervisory Board of charity Tear and Dutch microfinance organisation Qredits. As per February 2015, he was appointed as a member of the Supervisory Board of Delta Lloyd Bank N.V. Mr. Beuving studied Business Economics at Erasmus University Rotterdam.
Mr. Beuving was first appointed to the Supervisory Board in 2014. His current term ends in 2018.

J.H.W.R. (Jan) van der Vlist
(1954, Dutch)
Mr. Van der Vlist is currently Principal of Klockensteijn B.V., a Dutch real estate consultancy firm. Until 2011, he was Head of Investment Management and Managing Director at NIBC Bank N.V. Prior to joining NIBC, Mr. Van der Vlist held a number of senior positions at pension fund PGGM, most latterly as Director Structured Investments (Real Estate and Private Equity). Mr. Van der Vlist currently holds several (supervisory) positions, including Member of the Board of Directors of European Real Estate Investment Trust Ltd, chairman of the Supervisory Board of Holland Property Group BV, Chairman of the Board of NIBC Infrastructure Partners I B.V., Senior Board Advisor at NIBC Bank N.V., Member of the Advisory Board at NIBC Merchant Banking Fund IB and Director at Barrage Vastgoed B.V.
Mr. Van der Vlist was first appointed to the Supervisory Board in 2013. His current term ends in 2017.

R. Th. (Roel) Wijmenga
(1957, Dutch)
Mr. Wijmenga has a background in the insurance industry and held a number of financial executive functions at leading Dutch financial companies, including AMEV, Interpolis and Eureko/Achmea. His most recent role was as CFO at insurer ASR Verzekeringen. He studied Econometrics at Erasmus University Rotterdam. He holds several (supervisory) positions, including chairman of the Philips Pensioenfonds and member of the Supervisory Board of Achmea.
Mr. Wijmenga was first appointed to the Supervisory Board in 2014. His current term ends in 2018.

C.G. (Carolien) Gehrels
(1967, Dutch)
Ms. Gehrels is currently European Director for Large Urban Clients at Arcadis, where she is the City Executive for Amsterdam and Rotterdam. She served as an Alderperson on Amsterdam City Council and as the capital city’s Deputy Mayor from 2006 until the mid-2014 municipal elections. During that time, her portfolio included Economic Affairs, Art & Culture, Water Management, Monuments, Local Media and Public Companies. Ms. Gehrels is also a member of the Supervisory Board of Technical University (TU) Delft.
Ms. Gehrels was first appointed to the Supervisory Board in 2015. Her current term ends in 2019.