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68 search results

Composition of the Supervisory Board

The Bouwinvest Real Estate Investment Management (‘Bouwinvest’) Supervisor Board has the following four members: C.J. Beuving (Chairman), J.H.W.R. van der Vlist, R.Th. Wijmenga and C.G. Gehrels.

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Report of the Supervisory Board

The Board of Directors prepared the Bouwinvest financial statements and discussed these with the Supervisory Board. Deloitte Accountants B.V. have audited the financial statements and provided them with an unqualified independent auditors’ report.

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Company profile

Bouwinvest is one of the largest Dutch investment managers specialised in real estate with total assets under management of € 7.5 billion.

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Vision and strategy

Bouwinvest is an investment manager specialised in real estate for institutional investors, with assets under management of € 7.5 billion, managed by 140 professionals (131.1 FTE), all of whom are based in Amsterdam.

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